Fossekleiva kultursenter
Bergerveien 2b
3075 Berger · Kart
404 87 450
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My work is fuelled by curiosity. Curiosity that I try to share by challenging one’s expectations towards the things surrounding us. All around us are details, creating small landscapes. When you first take the time to look at them you can get sucked into a new understanding of your own surroundings.
When I see the things that make up my surroundings. These things are named and have a place, we have a preconceived image of them. I am challenging these images. By taking them apart I explore what properties they have, and what they can and cannot do.
When I see the things that make up my surroundings. These things are named and have a place, we have a preconceived image of them. I am challenging these images. By taking them apart I explore what properties they have, and what they can and cannot do.